
“Standing Together has grown to know and respect the work of CPT over many years of partnership. Our experience has been that they make a real difference in the lives of survivors of domestic violence.”
ANTHONY WILLS – Chief Executive of Standing Together Against Domestic Violence

“Standing Together Against Domestic Violence coordinates the safe response to domestic violence incidents in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. CPT — Counselling Pastoral Trust has been committed for many years to the multi agency work to tackle domestic abuse in the Borough, as a long standing member of the Domestic Violence Forum and now as a participant in the Borough Domestic Violence Strategic Partnership. We appreciate their specialist service to survivors of domestic abuse and their commitment to a safe practice in supporting them.”’

“The Rank Foundation remains a strong supporter of the Counselling and Pastoral Trust (CPT). I first visited CPT in 2007 and was struck by the dedication, compassion and professionalism of Dr Agnes Sullivan and the CPT team. The breadth and scope of their work has continued to grow, providing valuable support for those traumatised by abuse, breakdown or neglect. This is an impressive well run operation: I commend it highly.”

“Dr Agnes Sullivan had the compassion to spot that my stiff upper lip, concealed I was drowning in an ocean of grief. My ‘issues’ were real and my grief fully justified – it’s just that no one had ever told me that, or more to the point, helped me get to the bottom of it. Healing is possible. I never believed it. This is a whole package of intellectual, behavioural, emotional and spiritual involvement. It is kind, intelligent and real. I’m now 56. I wish I’d known about it sooner. I’ve had a needlessly hard life simply through lack of knowing. No one need suffer alone as I did. I beg you to do everything you possibly can to support the humanity of this place. Thousands could benefit.”
DR JENNY TAYLOR – Author & Contributor to The Oxford Centre for Religion & Public LifeDAVID SANDERSON MBE DL – CEO, The Rank Foundation

“It has been an enormous help to me as a family doctor to have discovered and used the Counselling Pastoral Trust. In my experience they have been highly skilled and professional in dealing with the personality and relationship problems I have referred, with the bonus of a Christian ethos underpinning their work”.
DR MICHAEL GORMLEY- Private General Practitioner, The Basil Street Practice, Knightsbridge